Accueil / Artistes / Frederik Lund Ottesen

Frederik Lund Ottesen 1913-1993

Frederik Lund Ottesen est né aux Etats-Unis en 1913. Il arriva à Paris en 1938 et travailla dans l’atelier de Georges Braque. Il resta en France durant la guerre et reçu de grands honneurs pour sa bravoure. Il eut ensuite une relation étroite avec Hans Hartung. Il exposa dans de grandes villes américaines et françaises. Sans raisons apparentes, il arrêta sa vie d’artiste longtemps avant de mourir en 1993.

Frederik Lund Ottesen was born in 1913 in USA. He went to Paris in 1938 and worked in Georges Braque’s atelier. He remained in France during the war and received high honors for his bravery. He had a close friendship with Hans Hartung. Then he exhibited in major European and American cities. For unknown reasons he stopped his life as an artist well before passing away in 1993.